Tuesday, January 26, 2010

101 Uses of Terry Cloth

Things wear out... take your collection of bath towels or beach towels for example. The whole towel doesn't wear thin or get torn in the same place so there is always useable material.   Shero says: "Get a pair of sharp scissors, a needle and thread, fire up the sewing machine and recycle that old towel!"

Idea #1:
Cut the towel down to size... wash cloth size. You will probably be able to get a few cut from a large towel. Zig-zag or serge the outside edges to keep them from fraying.

Idea #2:
Place one towel on-top of another and sew together along the outside edges. The double thickness makes a nice bath rug. You can stitch across the center, edge to edge, to help hold it together evenly.

Idea #3:
Roll up the towel length-wise. Using either string or ribbon, tie off each end, about 2 inches in from edge, and one in the middle to make 'draft dodgers'. Place it on the floor against the door or on window ledges.

Idea #4:
Using the least worn areas of the towel cut out strips wide enough to make bags you can form in a tube shape. Finished size should be around 15 to 18 inches long and about 4 inches wide, so remember to add for seam allowance. Leave one end open so you can fill it with uncooked rice, then stitch it closed. Now you have yourself a bed warmer or neck roll for tense, achy muscles. We microwave ours on high for 2-1/2 to 3 minutes which gets it good and hot, so be careful placing this directly against your skin!

Idea #5:
Cut it up into smaller dish towels. Zig-zag or serge the edges. IF you're ambitious, trim them with contrasting fabric, seam tape or ruffles and you have towels to use for them fancy occasions!

Last, but not Least, and definitely the easiest...

Idea #6:
Cut 'em up for rags! When you're cleaning really gunky stuff you don't have to worry about rinsing or washing these... just throw these rags away!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Chocolate... Butterscotch... Peanut Butter...

.:`*•it's all about love•*`:. 

 World's Sweetest Dog ~ Maggie Louise Cornett ~ 1996-2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Valuable Insights from Maxine

Helpful Hints dealing with Winter that were in an E-mail

Keep your headlights clear with car wax-- Just wipe ordinary car wax on your headlights. It contains special water repellents that will prevent that messy mixture from accumulating on your lights - lasts 6 weeks.

Squeak-proof your wipers with rubbing alcohol-- Wipe the wipers with a cloth saturated with rubbing alcohol or ammonia. This one trick can make badly streaking & squeaking wipers change to near perfect silence & clarity.

Ice-proof your windows with vinegar--Frost on it's way? Just fill a spray bottle with three parts vinegar to one part water & spritz it on all your windows at night. In the morning, they'll be clear of icy mess. Vinegar contains acetic acid, which raises the melting point of water---preventing water from freezing!

Prevent car doors from freezing shut with cooking spray-- Spritz cooking oil on the rubber seals around car doors & rub it in with a paper towel.  The cooking spray prevents water from melting into the rubber.

Fog-proof your windshield with shaving cream! Spray some shaving cream on the inside of your windshield & wipe if off with paper towels. Shaving cream has many of the same ingredients found in commercial defoggers.

De-ice your lock in seconds with hand sanitizer-- Just put some hand sanitizer gel on the key & the lock & the problems solved!